"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

FREE MATH LESSON - “Formulas Handout”

by Lindsay Perro
6th - 10th Grade

This handout includes four formulas that students need to know for Algebra. The formulas are distance, interest, profit and temperature conversion.


  1. The link brings me to Linsay's tpt page, but not to the document's page. I can't find this document in her resources. I looked through Algebra and Free but no luck. Help!

  2. Hi Tish,
    There has been a major change concerning free products this week at Teachers Pay Teachers. Lindsay's Formulas Handout used to be a free product and is currently not available. She may be making changes to her free product and will put it back in her store as a free product or she may have to make it a priced product according to the new TpT rules.
    I hope this helps,
