Wednesday, February 19, 2025

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Making Connections Graphic Organizer”

by 1st Grade Salt Life
1st - 5th Grade

This graphic organizer will help students map out connections they have made to a lesson or a book!

This is a free sample of my Graphic Organizers for Primary Grade which is 24 difference Graphic Organizers!

Your feedback is important! Please rate and comment

1st Grade Salt Life

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Wednesday Weekly 5 under $5 - February 19, 2025



Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5.  With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!

In addition, if you're a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) who would like to get more information about joining TBOTEMC, contact me via email at or by simply leaving a comment on this blog post.

by Matemaths
4th - 6th grades
Activities, Games

This "Order of Operations | Around the Solar System Escape Room" is a fun way to engage your middle schoolers in learning how to solve expressions with order of operations! Travel to different planets while reinforcing how to solve order of operations expressions. Your students are bound to love this done-for-you digital escape room!

3 Argumentative Text Set Bundle - Homework, Cell Phones, and Social Media - $4.25

by A Teacher's Teacher
7th - 10th grades
Assessment, DBQs

Three great argumentative text sets in one great discounted bundle!  With an emphasis on preparing students for state testing and performance tasks that have become a norm in formats such as AIR and PARCC, all three of these argumentative text sets provide multiple sources (3 or 4 each) with a task formatted to be much like what your students will see on their real state assessments!  Descriptions from each individual item that makes up the set are provided on the item page.

Math Fluency Games to Practice Addition Subtraction Multiplication Facts Money - $3.50

by Scipi
3rd - 5th grades
Activities, Centers, Games

Bug Ya is a math game that provides motivation for the learner to practice math fluency and learn math facts for addition, subtraction, and multiplication as well as to review money. It is an engaging and fun game that is easy to differentiate or adapt to any grade level, or for a whole class, or a small group of children. Four games are included in this short resource packet.

by Urbino12
6th - 9th grades
Cultural Activities, Research

Students will use the internet to conduct research and answer seven questions about the Carnaval holiday in French. Vocabulary includes: Carnaval, Mardi Gras, la CarĂªme etc. Also available in Italian.

by Charlene Tess
9th - 12th grades
Activities, Handouts, Worksheets

Challenge your students with this practice exercise to help them with sentence correction practice. Students will read a sentence and then decide which of the five choices following it best replaces the underlined passage. Teachers can use this exercise as a diagnostic tool or a pre-test to create a lesson plan, or as an assignment or test.

As always, I encourage comments and any ideas or suggestions by emailing me at

Renee Heiss

All-American Teacher Tools

Check out my Store 

FREE MATH LESSON - “St. Patrick’s Day Math Freebie: Multiplication Fact Families for Grades 3 & 4”

by Chrysti's Class
3rd - 4th Grade

Delight your students with these fun St. Patrick's Day math activities. There are 4 green 4 leaf clovers to a page with 4 pages. The same fact family pages also come in black and white for you printing needs. Great for centers, whole class work, or fast finishers.

Directions and Ideas for this Product

Color 4- leaf clover

1. Laminate and have kids write each fact family equation on each leaf with dry erase markers.

2. Teacher writes the equations on each of the clover sections. Cut out. Students put the stem and leaves together like a puzzle.

3. Do the same as above, but students quietly wander the classroom to find the 5 pieces that go together. Great movement break.

4. Use as a bulletin board display.

5. Students play a matching game. Cut out all the 5 pieces. Students turn over a stem and then take turns turning over a leaf until they find the 4 leaves that match their stem. The game continues with students turning over a 2nd stem to again find the 4 matches.

Black and White 4 - leaf clover

1. Use the same ideas as above. Students can color the clover leaves and stem.

2. Use as a worksheet where student write each equation in a leaf to match the 3 numbers in the stem. Print out double sided and staple.

CCSS Aligned

Hope your students enjoy this freebie.

Come back and visit my store (Chrysti’s Class) for some other great math games and unit projects.

Here's another St Patrick's Day Math Game for grades 4-5

St Patrick’s Day Math Word Problem Task Card Review: Shamrock Bakery Game


Thanksgiving Turkey Math Word Problem Task Card Center for 3rd Grade: CCSS Aligned

Christmas Math Word Problems for 3rd: CCSS Aligned

Halloween Math Word Problems for 3rd Grade


Biography Informational Text Research and Project

Cinderella, Culture and the Common Core: A Multicultural Fairytale Unit

The Mystery Genre: Bundled Unit for Grades 3 - 5 
Biography Informational Text Research and Project

If you have any question about this product please contact me at I would be happy to help in any way I can.

Go to "My Purchases" and click on the "Provide Feedback" button. Click on it and leave a rating and a short comment. This will give you credit and lower your cost on your next purchases. 

Learn about my sales, freebies, and new products by clicking on the "Follow Me" button.

GREAT NEWS!! TPT now offers schools the ability to purchase resources for you.

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Monday, February 17, 2025

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Sight Word Practice Game: Leprechaun Caught!”

by Sara Ipatenco
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

Thanks for downloading this freebie! This game is a fun way for your students to practice their sight words. Place all the cards in a container. Students take turns drawing a card. If they can read the word on the card, they get to keep it. If they don’t know the word, they put it back in the container. If a student draws a “caught!” card, he/she must put all his/her cards back into the container. The “caught!!” card gets put to the side. Once all the cards are drawn, the winner is the person with the most cards. I usually put my students in groups of 2 to 4 to play this game. Laminate the cards for extra durability. I also print them on cardstock so the images don’t show through the back of the card! I hope your students have fun practicing their sight words!!

Words included are: that, she, like, was, will, good, how, look, but, nice, made, then, when, ask, all, put, want, fun, their, here, name, left, hot, right, read, make, jump, this, with, mine, get, let, give, new, old, help, cold, what, fill, they, see, run, sleep, walk, yes, play, love, eat, not, write, why, how

Download all of my free sight words games:

Winter: Sight Word Practice Game: Snowman Squish! by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

Valentine’s Day: Sight Word Practice Game: Valentine's Broken Heart by Sara Ipatenco (

St. Patrick’s Day: Sight Word Practice Game: Leprechaun Caught! by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

Easter: Sight Word Practice Game: Broken Easter Egg by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

Summer: Sight Word Practice Game: Summer Storm by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

Back to School: Sight Word Practice Game: Back to School by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

Halloween: Sight Word Practice Game: BOO! by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

Thanksgiving: Sight Word Practice Game: Thanksgiving Turkey by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

Christmas: Sight Word Practice Game: Santa's Bag by Sara Ipatenco | TPT (

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Go to for even more free products!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “FREE High Contrast Core Vocabulary Communication Board for CVI in Speech”

by Susan Berkowitz
Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Need a quick, done-for-you core word based communication board with high contrast for your AAC users with cortical vision impairment? This is a free picture communication board with core vocabulary for students who use augmentative-alternative communication (AAC).

Uses red and yellow to provide high contrast and the bright colors known to be most helpful for students with C.V.I.

Research shows that core words provide students with the most robust and flexible access to words they need for genuine message construction.

Give your aac users access to the most effective words for communicating.

Uses Symbol Stix from N2Y, familiar to most classrooms and AAC users

Looking for more communication boards for your students? Check out my AAC store found here in my store.

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Saturday, February 15, 2025

FREE MATH LESSON - “Dividing Decimals | Digital | Color by Code”

by Stress-Free Teaching
5th - 6th Grade

Add some fun to your dividing decimals lessons with a digital color by code activity. Each correct answers "colors in" a part of the picture. Your students will love it!

This 12 question Google Sheet activity can be used for:

  • whole group
  • small group
  • as a math station
  • for homework

This resource includes:

  • Link to digital file
  • Teacher Notes
  • Printable page for student work

Standards addressed:

  • 5.NBT.B.7
  • 6.NS.B.3

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Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you'll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it (or the resource icon on the Credits page of my resource) and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the resource. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I would love to hear your feedback because it helps me determine which resources you value, so that I can create more. ☺

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Friday, February 14, 2025

FREE MATH LESSON - “Freebie Math Printables ~ Color By The Code Puzzles”

by Irene Hines
1st - 2nd Grade

Freebie Math Printables: Color By The Code Puzzles To Practice Basic Addition and Subtraction Math Facts

Aligned To Common Core Standards ~ CCSS: 1.OA.6 ; 2.OA.2

This is a set of 2 FREE math puzzles:

~ One Color By The Sum and Difference

~ One Color By The Sum


Are you interested in getting ALL of the “Color-By-The-Code” Math Puzzles in my store?

By popular demand, I have put every one of my math puzzles together for one purchase! This bundle option also gives you lifetime access of every new math puzzle I create with nothing more to buy ever!!

Math Puzzle Palooza: My Entire Store Of "Color-By-The-Code" Math Puzzles!

** If you like color by the code puzzles, but you do not want to buy the bundle, you might be interested in my individual packets which are listed here:

My Complete Color By The Code Math Puzzle List


~ If you would like to be notified when my products are updated, freebies are offered and new items are added to my store, then follow me! ~

Thank you!

Irene Hines

Teaching Affects Eternity

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