Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at http://www.thebestofteacherentrepreneursmarketingcooperative.com/2014/01/the-best-of-teacher-entrepreneurs.html and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
FREE MISC. LESSON - Color Flashcards Extended Version!
by La Profesora Frida
1st - 12th Grade
This is an UPDATED version of "Color Flashcards" that I posted, which is also a free product. The other version was downloaded more than 915 times, so I wanted to provide you with an extended version with 14 updated pages of questions! FREE! :D
I know how hard it is to think of questions to ask on the spot when I want to practice colors with my students. It's so nice to have a list of questions in front of me to refer to so that I don't waste time trying to think of some good questions to ask! I added on to the previous free version of this product and included questions about world flags and used some clip art about Spain as references for writing practice.
Enjoy! :)
La Profesora- Click the "Follow Me" link to receive updates when I post a new product! :)
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 29, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - Our Lady Liberty Podcast Classroom Package
by TruthMe
4th - 8th Grade
Bring your students back into history with the power of podcasts! Welcome to What's the Truth George?!
Allow your students to experience the Statue of Liberty through the technology of podcasting! But watch out, errors have been purposely placed inside the story! Using the provided transcript (regular or modified) students will research the story to find the correct facts to the story.
What is a podcast?
A podcast is a video or audio file that can be downloaded and played on any computer using a player such as ITunes, Windows Media and more!
What comes with it?
Inside your podcast package you will find:
* lesson mp3 with the actual story with errors
* an answer mp4 with "George Washington" sharing the answers to the podcast
* transcript to the lesson
* modified transcript to the lesson (has the incorrect information highlighted. Recommended for 3-6 grade, special education students, struggling students, and bilingual students)
* quick check quiz
* implementation guide
* and enrichment activities e-book.
How is this a benefit to my classroom? What's the Truth George lessons promote higher level thinking, research skills, higher level question creation, interactive learning, group cooperation, and utilizes technology in the classroom.
Recommended for grade 3-12 with appropriate transcripts.
For more information and for a chance to display student work visit www.whatsthetruthgeorge.com
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 29, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Runde's Room - Free Product of Your Choice
Go to Runde's Room to find out how you can get a free product of your choice. The promotion ends at 6:00 P.M. on Saturday.
FREE MATH LESSON - Reading in the Middle School Math Classroom
by Lindsay Perro
6th - 10th Grade
Do you struggle with students who do not read problems thoroughly, or take time to comprehend what they read in your math classroom? I do! This four page lesson/activity will help guide students through making sense of what they read and eliminating answers from multiple choice questions because they simply don't make sense.
Answer key provided!
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 29, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
FREE SCIENCE LESSON - Biology Lab: Simple DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Extraction
by Science Stuff
6th - 12th Grade
This is one of my favorite labs/activities that I do with my Biology I students. It doesn't take long to do, it uses very simple, household materials, and it works every time! There is no number crunching or data analysis, but just a fun activity that your students will really enjoy.
You will use ordinary Dawn dishwashing detergent and alcohol to extract the DNA from the cells of wheat germ. The download will include a lab handout that is ready to be copied and passed out to your students. Includes: Title, Introduction, Purpose, Safety Precautions, Procedure, and Follow Up Questions.
I have also included a "Teacher Preparation" page with answers to the questions and some additional set up information.
I use this with my high school Biology students, but this activity can easily be done with middle school students.
You might also want to look at:
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on May 11, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Minds in Bloom 100 Followers Giveaway - Everybody Wins!
Now that Minds in Bloom has 100 followers, I thought it would be fun to do a little promotion/thank you.
Here is how it works. You get a free product of your choice (anything $5.00 and under) from my TpT store just for following this blog and my facebook page. It is my little way of saying thanks.
Here is what to do:
Here is how it works. You get a free product of your choice (anything $5.00 and under) from my TpT store just for following this blog and my facebook page. It is my little way of saying thanks.
Here is what to do:
- Become a follower/friend ("join") Minds in Bloom on the right sidebar. If have already done this, thank you! Skip this step.
- "Like" my facebook page. If you have already done this, thank you! Skip this step.
- Go to my TpT Store and pick something that you want. If you want to follow me there too, that would be nice, but it is not required for the giveaway.
- Email me at mindsinbloom101@gmail.com and tell me your user name and what product you want.
- I will email you back with your product attached. That's it!
The giveaway ends either on Friday at noon Pacific time or when I have given away 100 products, whichever comes first.
About my TpT Store:
I create ready-to-use worksheets and activities primarily for grades 2-6 (although I do have a few resources for K-1 and secondary). I have over 100 products and most of them are priced under the $5.00 limit for this giveaway. I am a top seller on TpT and my products are highly rated. There are resources for Literature, ELA, Math, and Creative and Critical Thinking as well as Classroom Management.
Just a little Update: I have given away 20 products so far. A few people have asked about leaving feedback on TpT for the products they received. Unfortunately, this is not possible since the site only lets you leave feedback if you purchase the product. However, I would be thrilled if you left feedback for some of my free products. I have a bunch of them and anyone can rate a free product. The easiest way to find them is to go to my store and sort by Price - (ascending), no keyword.
Just a little Update: I have given away 20 products so far. A few people have asked about leaving feedback on TpT for the products they received. Unfortunately, this is not possible since the site only lets you leave feedback if you purchase the product. However, I would be thrilled if you left feedback for some of my free products. I have a bunch of them and anyone can rate a free product. The easiest way to find them is to go to my store and sort by Price - (ascending), no keyword.
LUVTOEDUC8 Giveaway Ends Today...
To celebrate over 100 followers, I'm having a giveaway. Similar to the other giveaways, I will use a random number generator to find the winner. Please consider doing the following to be entered. The contest will end on 7/27. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
1. Follow me on TPT at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Dijobaker/Products
2. Follow me on my blog.
3. Comment on a blog post of your choice.
4. Like me on my facebook link found on this blog.
The winner can pick out any 3 items from my store.
Linky Party - TpT Item of the Month
School Box Treasures has a Linky Party in which TpT sellers post one featured item. It may be a sale item, newly added item, or a seasonal item.
FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - Sunny Synonyms Literacy Center - FREE DOWNLOAD!!
by Anna Brantley
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
This sunny literacy center is sure to bring a lot of fun into your wonderful classroom! Students match the synonym cards and show their work on their recording sheet.
Check out my "Fun in the Sun" center packet for more activities!!
~Anna Brantley
Visit my blog at www.fun-n-first.blogspot.com
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on May 31, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - Little Sheep Sight Word Game
by Amanda Myers
Children practice their sight words while playing this fun farm game. Students must try and find the sheep hidden under a barn. To be able to look under the chosen barn, children must read the word on it. Works on word recognition skills and turn taking.
Monday, July 25, 2011
FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - Individual Genre Reference Page
by Hilary Lewis
1st - 3rd Grade
This page is great to help young children learn to choose a variety of books and it is simple and easy for them to use. I print enough copies for the entire class in color. I then put the reference page into a sheet protector that goes into a durable, plastic folder for each child. (I keep the folders with the reference pages for next year's class so I don't have to copy from year to year)...
You could also cut them apart and put them on book bins to help you organize your books by genre.
I also have large posters that go along with this sheet. You can post them in your classroom library to help organize your books.
The students refer to this page when they write down the names of books that they have read. They also graph their reading so they can see if they tend to read from the same genre too much or if they do a good job of reading a variety of materials. It is also a good way for me to monitor their reading and allows me to make suggestions based on what they have read.
Check out my blog at www.rockinteachermaterials.com
Hilary :)
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on May 11, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Comprehension Guide KEY
by Wise Guys
Reading Comprehension Guide, Activities, Worksheets, Projects, Rubrics and Answer key for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.
Reading Common Core Standards Met: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
This is a 40-page reading comprehension activity packet and answer key for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. This is one of the most comprehensive reading packets you will find directly related to this book. Included are comprehension questions for each chapter with an emphasis on reading strategies such as: visualizing, summarizing, predicting, connections, and more. Also included is a list of key vocabulary for each chapter. Also included is a guided reading rubric to assess your students, along with an assessment tool to use for scoring when working with groups of children.
Check out our store for more excellent reading comprehension guides and packets. Such titles include: The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones, Al Capone Does My Shirts, Bridge to Terabithia, Gentle Ben, Hatching Magic, James and the Giant Peach, Little House in the Big Woods, The Lightning Thief, Loser, On My Honor, The Pinballs, Rules, Running Out of Time, Sarah Plain and Tall, The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs, Shiloh, The Sisters Grimm: Fairytale Detectives, Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Swindle, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, The Tiger Rising, Tuck Everlasting, Walk Two Moons, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Maniac Magee, A Million Shads of Gray, and Number the Stars.
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on April 23, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
FREE MISC. LESSON - How French People Mark Prices
by Madame Aiello
5th - 8th Grade
This is a brief worksheet to point out the differences between how prices are written in English and in French (using the dollar as the currency unit.)
It can be used following a reading selection containing prices or other activity in French where prices are encountered. Alternatively you could lead a short discussion beforehand about how much things cost and writing the prices on a whiteboard or chart paper.
Good for practicing numbers as well.
It can be used following a reading selection containing prices or other activity in French where prices are encountered. Alternatively you could lead a short discussion beforehand about how much things cost and writing the prices on a whiteboard or chart paper.
Good for practicing numbers as well.
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on April 25, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Thanks to Casey Moyer-Caswell for writing me that the contest I posted from Sunny Days has already ended. I have been trying to publicize all of the contests and promotions by the sellers of Teachers Pay Teachers, that I got this post mixed up with another. Hopefully this will not happen again... -Vicky
Friday, July 22, 2011
Choose any one product for FREE - Fun 2B in First Celebration
100 Followers Celebration
Wow! I am so excited that more than 100
people are following Fun 2B in First. I have
been thinking about how to celebrate and
knew that I wanted to have EVERYONE to
be able to pick an item from my TPT store.
So, I have added a special page to the blog,
"100 Followers Celebration" with a Google
Docs form. The form will ask for your first
name, email address, and what product
you want. It will also ask for confirmation
that you follow the blog and TPT store.
As long as you follow the blog & TPT store
you will be able to get any one product from
my TPT store for FREE by filling out the form
before 9PM EST on Friday the 23rd of July.
I will send the products out by Monday
the 25th. So please take a minute to look
at my store and claim your gift. Thanks!
people are following Fun 2B in First. I have
been thinking about how to celebrate and
knew that I wanted to have EVERYONE to
be able to pick an item from my TPT store.
So, I have added a special page to the blog,
"100 Followers Celebration" with a Google
Docs form. The form will ask for your first
name, email address, and what product
you want. It will also ask for confirmation
that you follow the blog and TPT store.
As long as you follow the blog & TPT store
you will be able to get any one product from
my TPT store for FREE by filling out the form
before 9PM EST on Friday the 23rd of July.
I will send the products out by Monday
the 25th. So please take a minute to look
at my store and claim your gift. Thanks!
Learning Ahoy's First Contest!
I am so excited to get my blog going and to have 50 followers that I am giving away a beaded lanyard to one of my fans! This beautiful, handmade lanyard has a magnetic clasp which makes it super easy to get on and off. I only ask that you follow either the Learning Ahoy blog or Facebook Fan page. Contest ends on Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 9PM EST. Good Luck!!
FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - Paper Bag Book Report and Rubric
by Krystal Mills
6th - 9th Grade
This is an awesome alternative to the standard book report. Students enjoy this form of assessment. It is adaptable and easy to assess. I have included a 4 point rubric for both the paper bag book report itself and the oral presentation (you may or may not want to do this as a part of the assessment). The focus of this report is on the plot, characters, theme and setting. Conventions are addressed, as are speaking and listening outcomes. The rubrics are multi-purpose in that that could be used with other book reports/projects - they're not just a one time deal.
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 14, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Write a Review, Get FREE Stuff from Secondary Solutions!
I have an AMAZING opportunity for you to get some
FREE stuff! I really need people to review my
products on TeachersPayTeachers.com, so here's the
deal: You buy something at regular price, rate it,
leave a minimum 15-word review about the product
(an honest and useful review) and I will send you a
FREE PDF of a product (your choice) with an equal
or lesser value!!!
To participate, purchase any Secondary Solutions
product at TeachersPayTeachers.com. Once you
have received the book or the download, you must
1)rate the product and 2) give feedback of 15 words
or more.
Then, take a screenshot of your review or
send the link of the review to me at secondarysolutionsmail@gmail.com. Once I
verify the purchase and the review, I will have
you choose a product of an equal or lesser value,
and I will send it directly to your inbox! It's as easy
as that!
I hope you will take advantage of this amazing offer
to BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! Spread the word!
Thank you so much for your help!
HURRY! In order to qualify, you must have proof of purchase before
7/31/2011. Proof of review needs to be in to me at secondarysolutionsmail@gmail.com by 8/30/2011 in order to qualify.
Offer does not apply to previous purchases.
FREE stuff! I really need people to review my
products on TeachersPayTeachers.com, so here's the
deal: You buy something at regular price, rate it,
leave a minimum 15-word review about the product
(an honest and useful review) and I will send you a
FREE PDF of a product (your choice) with an equal
or lesser value!!!
To participate, purchase any Secondary Solutions
product at TeachersPayTeachers.com. Once you
have received the book or the download, you must
1)rate the product and 2) give feedback of 15 words
or more.
Then, take a screenshot of your review or
send the link of the review to me at secondarysolutionsmail@gmail.com. Once I
verify the purchase and the review, I will have
you choose a product of an equal or lesser value,
and I will send it directly to your inbox! It's as easy
as that!
I hope you will take advantage of this amazing offer
to BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! Spread the word!
Thank you so much for your help!
HURRY! In order to qualify, you must have proof of purchase before
7/31/2011. Proof of review needs to be in to me at secondarysolutionsmail@gmail.com by 8/30/2011 in order to qualify.
Offer does not apply to previous purchases.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
FREE MISC. LESSON - BOMBA Spanish Class Game
by Senor Caskey
2nd - 12th Grade
Use this PowerPoint to review school vocabulary in Spanish the fun way. Students compete by choosing a number. Each team receives positive or negative points for correct answers. But be careful! You might choose a BOMBA (Bomb). The game is set up for class and school vocabulary but may be modified as necessary to fit any theme. Included are three game board set ups with different BOMBA placements.
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 11, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - Summer Camp: Making Words Activity
by Linda Nelson
1st - 2nd Grade
This Making Words Activity is suitable for whole class instruction, partner work, or independent work at a literacy center for your first grade or second grade students.
If you like this activity, please take a look at Summer Camp Literacy and Math, an extended collection of fun review activities to wrap up your school year.
Linda Nelson
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 4, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Win a Teachers Pay Teachers Shopping Spree!
The lucky winner will chose one item from the stores of 28 sellers from Teachers Pay Teachers. Go to "Sunny Days in Second Grade" for details.
FREE MISC. LESSON - September Brain Benders
by Brain Benders
Kindergarten - 4th Grade
Brain Benders are critical thinking activities designed for each month. Use them as enrichment activities, journal prompts, learning center activities, or however you choose! Each monthly Brain Bender comes with 20 activities organized in a 5x4 grid to resemble a calendar. You can choose to print the calendar with its corresponding multiple intelligence label for each activity or print it without. This is a great way to challenge your students!
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum: Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit. Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 4, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!
Monday, July 18, 2011
FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - Sea Creatures Short a Vowel Word Sorts -ab, -ack, -act, -ad, -ag
by Mark Lyons
This literacy center includes 5 short a word family sorts. Choose the word family or word families that your students are working on and have the children sort the sea creature word cards onto the corresponding word sort mats. Students will write the words that they find on a recording sheet. Word sorts range from 5 words to 18 words.
There are word sorts for –ab, -ack, -act, -ad, and -ag.
Also included are activities for the students to work on the short a word families. There is an open word sort for students to decide how the words can be sorted, a Write Around the Room activity, a Write From a Book activity, a Go Fish Word Sort card game, practice reading and spelling the word sort words, making a short vowel a book of the words that they are learning, putting the word cards in a-b-c order, and using letters and letter patterns to spell words.
Download the preview to see many of the word sorts and activities. This word sort with accompanying activities is great for literacy centers and Daily Five word work.
Christmas in July Sale - TODAY!
Can you hear it? There is a faint, "Ho, ho, ho..." off in the distance. That's because Christmas is coming! Christmas in July! Have I got a sale going on for you in my TPT store...
I told you it was going to be big and worthy of the title, "Christmas In July!" Happy shopping and Merry Christmas (in July)!
I am offering 20% off of my ENTIRE store!
And its not just me! Check out my sale first, and then check out the other over 30 sales happening today only - you're sure to find something you'll love. Click any button below to visit a participating sale!
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