Friday, December 30, 2011

Pinterest - The Best of TpT FREE LESSONS

"The Best of TpT FREE LESSONS" - Pinterest

It displays the "Free Lesson of the Day" from this blog, 
"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs."

"The Best of TpT" Collaborative Pinterest Boards

It displays free products and products for sale from the best teacher-authors of

It also has additional boards you may find helpful 
when you celebrate holidays with your students.

The "Best of TpT" Pinterest Boards are...

TpT Language Arts Lessons
TpT Math Lessons
TpT Science Lessons
TpT Social Studies Lessons
TpT Misc. Lessons
TpT Blogs

If you are a Teachers Pay Teachers seller-author, 
feel free to sign up and be a part of the 
TpT Collaborative Pinterest Boards at...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Vicky: "The Best of TpT FREE LESSONS" - Pinterest are great. Instant, constant and current. No need to wait for the U.S. mail person to deliver them; and no need to rely on a publisher when you can rely on the best professional source available: Teachers. Free lessons from teacher colleagues like you are akin to taking advantage of the sun because of both its light and heat...all free. My thanks is hardly sufficient payment for these. So, Thank You VERY Much. James Shaw;
    Store Name: Safe Kids, Safe Schools
