Monday, July 17, 2023

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “We Scream For Ice Cream...Rhymes! **FREEBIE**”

by Jennifer Drake
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Looking for a tasty center to practice identifying rhyming pairs?

It is SUPER SWEET to have 900 I am offering up this ice cream center for free!

Not one of my 900 followers? No problem! Download the freebie, and if you like the quality of my work, consider becoming a follower to receive email notification of future product and freebie uploads! AND I promise...when I reach 1000 followers, there is sure to be an extravaganza!!

This Pack Includes:
*12 cones programmed with a picture
*12 ice cream scoops programmed with a picture
*12 ice cream scoops labeled with a word
*3 blank ice cream scoops- can make additional cards if need be
*b&w printable- use as a center extension activity or assessment of mastery!

How To Use:
*Print, Cut & laminate the cones and scoops
*If you want to make the center self-correcting,
you can label the backs of the cones with a number
and then the backs of the corresponding scoops with the same number- after students sort the scoops, they can flip everything over and see if all the numbers match.
*makes a great literacy center, small group activity, review, practice or RTI activity

This is perfect for a summer school activity, end of school year/transition to summer, back to school (its still hot- and we long for the sweet taste of cold ice cream!), or at any time during the year when you need a fun and engaging center to motivate student learning!

Looking for more ice cream fun in my 'we scream' series?
Digraph Pack
Vowel Pack
Addition Pack
Subtraction Pack
Addition/Subtraction Combo Pack

Be sure to visit my TpT Store for more engaging packs and freebies!
Click Here To Access My Store
and consider following me on facebook for more freebies and updates!

Happy Ice Cream Rhyming Freebie Fun!

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