Thursday, February 2, 2012

FREE MATH LESSON - “Valentine’s Day 2 and 3 Addends, Subtraction, Multiplication”

by Down Under Teacher
1st - 3rd Grade

EDIT:Now includes both spellings of marvellous/marvelous (in Australia, we spell it with two ll's!) 
This file is part of my Valentine's Day Math and Literacy Centers and Activities pack. If you have bought that, you will already have this activity. 
Marvellous Monkey Mathematicians comes with number cards 1-20. Students turn over 2-3 cards and complete the worksheet. This center comes with 4 recording sheets for you to choose from: 
1. 3 Addends (students turn over 3 cards, record the order that is easier for his/her to add and find the sum.) 
2. 2 Addends (turn over 2 cards, add and record.)
3. Subtraction (turn over 2 cards. Take the smaller number away from the larger and record.)
4. Multiplication (turn over 2 cards, multiply and record.)
Easy to differentiate - only put out the numbered cards you want your students to use and/or change the recording sheet. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for featuring my product Victoria! I love checking out your blog for links to some great freebies!

    Down Under Teacher
