Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten
This is an emergent reader to help students learn color words and the sight words: I, see, a.
This book is in bright colors to catch the students' attention.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.3c Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).
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I am so pleased to share this book with you. I am currently working on a set of interactive books that differentiate for each student's level. I am passionate about differentiation and believe that it is so important to make it easier for the classroom teacher to differentiate. I hope that my products save you some time and provide your students with enjoyment!
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Differentiation Station

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