It is time again for Tuesday's Tongue Twisters! Pronunciation can be a
challenge for second language learners. A fun lesson to increase accuracy is to practice an assortment of tongue twisters. Tongue Twisters lower the affective filter of English language learners and kids of all ages love to practice the sing-songy fun of a great tongue twisters.
- Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks.
- Fat frogs flying past fast.
- Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?
- Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen.
- One-one was a race horse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too.
- Betty better butter Brad's bead.
Tongue twisters are fun and engaging for young English learners. They are also culturally significant and native speakers of English are always willing to join in the fun of this challenging practice.
Click here to download our freebie sample of Tongue Twisters!
If you want the full version of our Tongue Twisters product, Click Here!
What are some of your hardest tongue twisters?

Happy Teaching!
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