Friday, March 29, 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Two No-Prep Lesson Plans or Sub Plans for "The Pedestrian," by Ray Bradbury”

by Write with a Point
7th - 10th Grade

If Ray Bradbury isn't the most frequently taught author in ELA classes, he's high on the list. So why stop with just one of his short stories? Teach "The Pedestrian" with his more famous work, "The Veldt," for an engaging two-day lesson plan. Or, if you prefer, pair "The Pedestrian" with Kurt Vonnegut's famous text, "Harrison Bergeron," for an equally exciting study.

Whatever you decide, these free, no-prep lesson plans provide the guidance and questions your students need for an in-depth analysis and comparison. The strategies presented are engaging and adaptable. There's no prep work required. And either lesson would make a great emergency sub plan.

If you'd like, you can view the expanded versions of these plans on my blog. And you can find more free lesson plans at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Looking for related resources? Try these:

Intro to Science Fiction Lesson Plan: A Slideshow, Reading, & More

Fahrenheit 451 Pre-Reading Activities: Intro Slideshow, Title Analysis, Bradbury

Instagram Biographies: Dystopian Authors Biography Templates, Orwell, Atwood

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