Monday, April 15, 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Bug Articulation Freebie”

by The Speech Attic
Pre-Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

EEEEEEEEK!! Bugs are EVERYWHERE! Your students will LOVE helping clean up the bug invasion in your classroom.


15 cards for each of the following phonological processes:

Syllable Structure, Final Consonant Deletion, Weak Syllable Deletion, Fronting,

Backing, Gliding, Stopping, Cluster Reduction

How to play:

1. Spread the bugs out face down on the table. Have your students take turns flipping over the cards. If they flip over a bug card, then they will place the card in their jar after practicing the word _____ times. Watch out for the SPLAT cards! If your student flips over a SPLAT card they will need to take two bugs from their container and place them back on the table. The person with the most bugs when all the bugs are gone wins the game.

2. Place Velcro on each bug card. Spread the bugs on the table. Have your students take turns swatting the bugs using a fly swatter. Have each student practice, saying their speech sound pictured on the card, before placing the card in their bug jar.

Check out this freebie for phonological processes as a preview of my

Bug Invasion Articulation


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