Wednesday, October 20, 2021

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Build -ab word family homes activity/project set. Free no-prep printable”

by EngagingTech
Kindergarten - 1st Grade

This amazing, gigantic set of activities will get your kids learning word families in a fun, interactive way while completing a house project.
This is a free sample of the full set that consists of over 440 pages. Each word family contains 4 activities. Once the activities are completed the sections are templates that can be cut out and glued together to make a large house. This is an original, creative way to get your students excited about learning word families.

Download the free sample for the -ab word family, try it with your kids and let us know how it goes, we are sure you will see the usefulness of the activity in teaching word families.
The packet currently has 116 word families! All for one low price of $9. Let us know if there is another word family you need and we will add it to the set!

View the full set here: Full word family houses set

Word Families included:

ab, ace, ack, ad, ade, ag, age, aid, ail, ain,
air, ake, ale, all, am, ame, amp, an, and, ane
ank, ant, ap, ape, ar, are, arm, ash, ast, at,
atch, ate, aw, ax, ay, each, eal, ean, ear, eat
ed, ee, eel, een, eep, eet, eg, ell, en, end,
ent, erry, ess, est, et, ew, ice, ick, id, ide,
ig, ight, ike, ile, ill, ime, in, ind, ine, ing,
in, ip, ish, it, ite, oat, ob, ock, og, oil, oke,
old, oo, ood, oof, ook, ool, oom, oon, oop,oot,
op, ore, orn, ot, ouch, ought, ound, ouse, out, ow,
ow, owl, own, oy, ub, uck, ug, um, ump, un, unk, us
use, ust, ut

Common Core: Phonological Awareness: CCS.

These worksheets align with the following Common Core Standard:

Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds (phonemes)
c. Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words.
e. Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.

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