Thursday, April 7, 2022

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Bridge to Terabithia Activity - BINGO!”

by Brilliantly Lit
4th - 7th Grade

This Bridge to Terabithia fun bingo review activity will motivate grades 4-7 students to know Katherine Paterson's wonderful novel better, and help them to learn 10 literary terms! Only if they know the answers to your bingo caller questions do they have a chance at victory.

Included in this resource is:

how to play guidelines

a bingo game sheet

a literary terms handout with examples taken from this novel to illustrate each term

a list of words and numbers for students to select from for their bingo sheet

45 bingo caller question cards

Bridge to Terabithia anagrams game, for more fun and challenge!

The 10 terms defined and used are:




Pre-game review

Distribute the list of 10 literary terms included in this resource (please see the preview) and give the students some time to brush up their knowledge before you commence the game. Explain that you, as bingo caller, will be asking questions about the novel and about the literary terms, and only if they know the answer to your question will they be able to circle or highlight that word on their bingo card.

Here is an example of a factual question: what grade is May Belle in? At this point, a knowledgeable student would circle the number 1 (if they have written it on their card). Here is an example of a literary terms question: Jesse imagines the story title "Herby the Haunted Hippo.” Which literary device is used in this line? A knowledgeable student would circle ‘alliteration.’

Pre-game set-up

Your set-up. The only tasks you have to do are:

1. Photocopy the caller question sheets and cut them into strips; the cards will act as the bingo balls a typical caller uses. If you can photocopy the question sheets onto card stock instead of ordinary paper you will never have to photocopy them again; they will last you for the rest of your career

2. Either photocopy the included game card for everyone in the class, or to save photocopying (and to give students more ownership of the task) ask them to fish out a piece of paper from the recycling bin and draw themselves a grid of 5 x 5 squares.

3. If you have a screen, project the list of answer options for their bingo card on the screen for students to choose from; if not, photocopy a list of the options for each pair of students.

Student set-up

One of the most educational parts of the game is that students have to choose 25 words and numbers from the answer list and write (correctly spelled!) one in each square. You could also insist that they use at least 5 of the literary terms on their card.

How to win

Students get two chances to win the magnificent prizes, such as lollipops. The first way is by getting a line down, OR a diagonal line from corner to corner, OR a line across. They have to be alert or they might miss their chance! Obviously the student can only win if they shout out “BINGO!” Then the class goes on to a full house; all of the squares must be completed. The student has to shout out “FULL HOUSE!” with great gusto to win.

If your students enjoy this activity, a lot more fun awaits in my resource of 80 ELA games, including literary terms bingo for 54 terms.

ELA Games grades 5-8

Any Book Hogwarts Sorting Hat

Mini Mysteries grades 5-8
If your students love Readers' Theater AND a mystery, they will love this combo:
Readers' Theater - Mystery of the Stolen Laptop
Try a fun fractured fairy tale about the shoe obsessed Cindy Rella:

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If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this product - or any other product in my store - please write to me at I would love to hear from you!

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