Are you looking for a creative and engaging way for students to work on finding the area and perimeter? This resource is just what you need! Students find the area and perimeter with this fun alien theme! This resource uses Customary Units of measurement! Great fun while learning! Maybe you need both printable and digital options to reach all your students. These resource is perfect for practicing these math skills. With this purchase you will have access to both a printable and digital version.
This product features 2 options:
1. Printable pdf file with answer keys
2. Digital file using the Easel Activities tool
The Easel Activities tool allows you to assign activities directly to your students using Google Classroom. Once the student accesses the link through Google Classroom, they will complete, turn in, and receive your feedback on the TpT platform.
Great for math stations, early finishers, assessment, tutoring, morning work, homework or distance learning!
Here's what is included:
✔Table of Contents
✔3 pages on Perimeter
✔3 pages of Area
✔2 pages of Area and Perimeter
✔1 Drawing Arrays
✔Writing Connection: Area
✔Writing Connection: Perimeter
✔Area Game
✔Checkpoint: Area (Great for quick assessment!)
✔Checkpoint: Perimeter (Great for quick assessment!)
✔Answer Keys for all work
★★★What teachers are saying about this resource:
✎"I purchased this to print, copy, and leave for my sub. It was perfect! A great way for my students to practice what they have learned, and something that I could leave for the sub and not worry about how they would be able to handle it. Definitely will be using this again!" Nicole B.
✎"My students loved the alien theme." D'Ann W.
✎"Great resource for area and perimeter" Michelle L.
✎"Perfect for independent practice and review! Great resource!" Kim. C.
✎"Love this resource! It was the perfect addition to my perimeter and area unit" Marie O.
✎"Will be great to have up for open house" Diane E.
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