Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Minds in Bloom 100 Followers Giveaway - Everybody Wins!

Now that Minds in Bloom has 100 followers, I thought it would be fun to do a little promotion/thank you. 

Here is how it works. You get a free product of your choice (anything $5.00 and under) from my TpT store just for following this blog and my facebook page. It is my little way of saying thanks. 

Here is what to do:
  1. Become a follower/friend ("join") Minds in Bloom on the right sidebar. If have already done this, thank you! Skip this step. 
  2. "Like" my facebook page. If you have already done this, thank you! Skip this step.
  3. Go to my TpT Store and pick something that you want. If you want to follow me there too, that would be nice, but it is not required for the giveaway. 
  4. Email me at and tell me your user name and what product you want. 
  5. I will email you back with your product attached. That's it!
The giveaway ends either on Friday at noon Pacific time or when I have given away 100 products, whichever comes first.

About my TpT Store:
I create ready-to-use worksheets and activities primarily for grades 2-6 (although I do have a few resources  for K-1 and secondary). I have over 100 products and most of them are priced under the $5.00 limit for this giveaway. I am a top seller on TpT and my products are highly rated. There are resources for Literature, ELA, Math, and Creative and Critical Thinking as well as Classroom Management. 

Just a little Update: I have given away 20 products so far. A few people have asked about leaving feedback on TpT for the products they received. Unfortunately, this is not possible since the site only lets you leave feedback if you purchase the product. However, I would be thrilled if you left feedback for some of my free products. I have a bunch of them and anyone can rate a free product. The easiest way to find them is to go to my store and sort by Price - (ascending), no keyword.

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