Tell us about yourself.
I've been a Texas educator
for over 12 years. After 11 years in the classroom, I just accepted a position
as a Mentor Teacher as part of a grant program in my school district. This
position will give me more opportunities to learn, create, and share with my
fellow teachers-- my passion! I am looking forward to the journey and its new
Here's a little bit more about me:
Experience: I have 11 years of experience teaching both upper elementary school and middle school mathematics. I also have one year of experience in campus leadership as an Assistant Principal. In addition, I have been a curriculum writer for a local community college.
Teaching Style: I really like an active classroom. If you were to walk in, you would see my students engaged in hands-on activities, completing station activities, or working cooperatively. It truly is a "routty" (rowdy) classroom.
Education History: I received a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education degree with a Mathematics Specialization from Baylor University in 2002. I received a Masters degree from The University of Texas at Austin in Curriculum and Instruction in 2005. Currently, I am working toward my Doctoral degree in Mathematics Education at Baylor University.
Here's a little bit more about me:
Experience: I have 11 years of experience teaching both upper elementary school and middle school mathematics. I also have one year of experience in campus leadership as an Assistant Principal. In addition, I have been a curriculum writer for a local community college.
Teaching Style: I really like an active classroom. If you were to walk in, you would see my students engaged in hands-on activities, completing station activities, or working cooperatively. It truly is a "routty" (rowdy) classroom.
Education History: I received a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education degree with a Mathematics Specialization from Baylor University in 2002. I received a Masters degree from The University of Texas at Austin in Curriculum and Instruction in 2005. Currently, I am working toward my Doctoral degree in Mathematics Education at Baylor University.
What do you like best about teaching?
best part about being a teacher is watching the light bulb go on when I see a
student finally make a connection and “get it.”
In addition, I
am truly a problem solver. I completely view my role as a teacher through this
lenses and I enjoy teaching my class with this perspective in mind-- from
working with students to creating lessons. My classroom is very problem solving
and inquiry based. My students are thinking all the time!
Describe your favorite TpT product.
I am a problem solver, my favorite TpT product is a problem solving guide that
I created called "J.U.S.T.I.F.Y. Your Thinking- A Math Problem Solving Model". It
really emphasizes the process that students need to use when they solve
problems. I have had great success with it in the classroom at both the
elementary and middle school level.
What advice would you give to someone who may want to become a
seller at Teachers Pay Teachers?
recently read in a seller’s book that she was a “Maker of Things”-- that’s what
made her successful. I definitely think to be a seller, you have to have a
creative viewpoint that you want to share. You truly have to be a “maker of
things” in order to enjoy creating and selling for TpT. People can “see” that
passion. The success will follow!
What have you done or hope to do with your TpT earnings?
this point, my TpT earnings have been used to build my clipart library and
create marketing materials for my consulting business. I’m a fairly new seller,
less than two months, but see a real opportunity to share my creativity with a world of educators.
What do you like best about being a member of The Best of
Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative?
someone who is new to selling, I have been a buyer for some years, TBTEMC has
given me exposure that I may not have otherwise gotten without this networking
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