Saturday, January 10, 2015

Misc. Lesson - "Library Starter Kit - Time Savers for the Elementary School Library Media Center"

by Kathryn Garcia
Elementary Library Grades

Are you starting out in a new library?  Or maybe you want to 'redecorate' an old library.  This packet of time savers is designed by a librarian for librarians.  Whether it is fresh new signage, fun lessons to teach to all grade levels, shortcuts to library displays, or a new binder to keep track of the zillions of things that you must keep track of.  This Starter Kit may be just what you need.


This bundled kit includes 7 products at a savings of 20% although each product can be examined and purchased separately if desired.  Over 450 pages are included.  Also, the Dewey Signage and the Library Binder can be substituted with a different style by contacting me after your purchase. 

Click here to visit my store at TpT. Look for free samples of the Library Display Signs and the Call Slip poster.

The absolute most used product in all my years as a librarian and my best selling product at TpT is the Non-Fiction Call Number Guide.  I started using it when it was printed on a 'ditto machine'.  Technology helped me bring it up-to-date with cuter graphics and easier printing.  It is definitely the most useful product in a library. 

Take a look at the Non-Fiction Call Number Guide here.